Monday, August 29, 2011

The Kindness of People

If anyone knows me really well they know that I have a passion for the musical theater. I'm not much of a singer, but I do love to give a helping hand backstage and watch the show unfold into magic. Most of the music on my iPod is of Soundtracks and Musicals. Usually my favorite musicals consist of Les Mesirables, Promises Promises, The Addams Family, The Music Man, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

I can honestly say, that today The Music Man is my favorite musical of all time.

I am an enthusiastic musical gower, especially if the beloved Brands are in them. But because of my cancer, I'm not able to go to many musical events for awhile. And that breaks my heart in a thousand pieces. But sweet Barbara contacted my mom and offered to have a few of the cast come up and sing for me. I was very quick to say what my favorite songs were from the music man.
The Quartet
The Sadder but Wiser Girl for Me
Madame Librarian

And today I was visited by the lovely people to sing to me.

They sang all I requested and was surprised when the little boy who played Winthrop offered and wanted to sing for me.

I was so close to crying but I didn't wanted to seem like a cry baby. But then I realized that would've been the greatest gift to give them instead of repeatedly saying thank you awkwardly over and over. But I did have the biggest smile on my face.

I just wanted to thank the Brands for putting together that little show, you can be certain that it will never leave my heart and mind for as long as I live.

That was probably the greatest gift anyone has ever given to me, and I plan to cherish the memory forever.

Also, could you thank each and everyone of those men and boy for coming to sing? I feel stupid for being  shy and not saying much. But I really was astounded by it all.

In fact, I still feel like crying because it was beautiful and just what I needed.

Thank you so much.

Annika Severts


  1. what a blessing the Brands are! remember to write it down in your journal! (seems i said that to you once before!)

  2. MUSIC always HEALS my SOUL. I think you are also a very MUSICAL Person and you rejoice when you hear it, when you are a part of it. I also love MUSICALS, I could listen to them OVER and OVER again and never tired. But when I am Hurt when my Spirit HUNGERS, when everything else seems to fail, I turn to the SACRED HYMNS of our CHURCH like # * Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire * # * Sweet Is The Work *# 165 * Abide with me; 'Tis Eventide *#193*I Stand All Amazed *#220 *Lord I Would Follow Thee *#219 * Because I Have Been Given MUCH * Since we are so Familiar with these HYMNS just reading them brings this PEACE. Thank you for sharing Today's Beautiful Experience with us. I love you mi pequeña AMIGA.

  3. Grandma; It is very difficult to see one of your treasured grandchildren having to battle that demon (Cancer) or any other trial. It has been a blessing for us, the grandparents, to be able to be here with Annika and Dana. Our family has a lot to learn from this brave and loving granddaughter. She has always been a joy to us and it has been our privilege to be with her at this time. Her humor and brilliant mind are absolutely amazing. We know she will be the WINNER in this battle. Know you are loved, my sweetheart!!
